Personal Chef

Chef Scratch is Back in Action!

There is about a 30-minute chunk of time toward the later part of the day that a ray of light shines through my kitchen window perfectly onto my cutting board. Every time I see it happen, I look around for some food item to photograph. It’s the perfect setting for a picture in that its naturally beautiful on its own and you can really play with the light. It happened today and I had nothing. It just reminded me that I haven’t posted in a while and need to get back into the swing of things.

I just looked. I haven’t posted since August of 2016. Slacker! However, in my defense I have been stock piling recipes so that I can start posting on a more regular basis. Another problem is that I was doubting my short strategy and thinking I had to write more, but the truth is, I don’t. I mean, I don’t have to do anything, really. I just want to. I like writing and sharing, even if no one is listening. But, I’d like to keep it short and sweet. I do call it “Chef Scratch” for a reason. Just pieces of electronic scratch paper for recipes, ideas, thoughts, and tips.

I even find myself giving up on longer articles or blog posts and I LOVE reading anything “food”. When I click on a link expecting a recipe which ends up being someone’s blog and have to spend two minutes scrolling past their eight page story and background behind it, it’s frustrating. I don’t want to do that. I can’t do that. There just isn’t enough time for me to write that and for others to read it. It is my opinion that most people are looking for a quick read (if any at all) and quick and easy access to the reason they clicked the link in the first place. I recently took a creative writing class and even the professor admitted to the fact that people’s attention spans are slowly diminishing so “short-short stories” are actually starting to be preferred over more in depth ones. 750 words we were limited to. You have my word. No more than 750 words and probably much less. Even this is too long. I’m almost to 400. Do I still have your attention? Is anyone reading this? Please let me know you are there! Show me a sign! Guess not. Oh well, if you are there, follow the blog and you’ll see some good stuff being shared. You may even learn a thing or two.

No recipe this time. Just a picture of an empty cutting board.

Learn. Create. Inspire

Stay Hungry


Jillian believes her passion for cooking stems from the fact that she was born and raised in Southern California. The best climate conditions for growing the finest produce all year around and the diverse mix of cuisines have always been an inspiration to her. Her love and ability to make people happy by way of delicious food began at an early age and still grows today. She is the proud Chef and Owner of Jillian Fae Chef Services, a personal chef business specializing in private dinner parties, customized menus, and weekly meal preparation.


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